Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

Nama : Delly Herdiana
Kelas : 3EB19
Tugas : Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2
The purpose is something to be achieved at a given time. This life would have no direction if we do not have a purpose. I have my life goal to be a short-term objectives and long-term. Short-term goal is a desirable thing in less than 5 years. While the long-term goal is what you want in a period of more than 5 years. 
On this occasion, I will share the story of my life goals. As for the purpose of my life within 5 years became my life's goal is to achieve short-term goals the next year by earning a GPA of 3.7.The things I do: 
1.      Understand the capabilities themselves or intellectual ability;
2.      Make a study schedule;
3.      Prepare courses are poorly understood, may agree;
4.      Do not delay your time to learn;
5.      Record the material that is unknown or not understood;
6.      Ask people who are already experts in the field of material you do not understand;
7.      Take time to understand each course.

While the purpose of my life in the long term or the next 5 years are parents happy. If the short-term goals with my new career start, the long-term goal is I intend to further explore careers and trying to becoming entrepreneurs that can create jobs for others, to office workers.